St Catherine's Church Heald Green is situated on Outwood Road two hundred metres from the junction with Finney Lane.
We serve Jesus locally and in the wider world,
inviting and encouraging each other on our journey of faith
Jesus promised that when two or three gathered together in his name there he would be in the midst of us. Matthew 18.20
St Catherine's people seek to live life well for Christ.
We are ever mindful of why we enjoy meeting in various ways through the weeks and months of the year for worship, study and social events. Then from our meetings to go out into the world at large and share the good news of Jesus.
Celebrating our faith in Jesus as Lord of our lives.
Worshipping together in our lovely church building and in our homes forms a great part of our lives too.
Sharing social activities and providing Christian resources for others is another mainstay of our life together.
Engaging with society and the world around us. Heald Green, Stockport, Cheshire and Manchester, the United Kingdom, Europe and the World: we have links everywhere!