St Catherine's is the local Anglican church for Heald Green and regularly hosts Baptism and Marriage services. If you would like to discuss this, then please call the vicar on 0161 437 4614, or you can use the contact form in this website.
Baptism is the great sign of our commitment to Jesus Christ. As an Anglican Church we are happy to welcome children and their parents who wish to share in being part of our local Christian community.
We offer a time of preparation for those making up their minds on the public statements about faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. After this we usually celebrate a baptism as part of our main Sunday service.
However some families who are celebrating a birth may prefer a simple service of Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child when we say prayers of thanks and seek God's blessing on our life together.
For more background information on Baptism and Marriage visit the Church of England Website. Life Events:
For times and details of our services see the homepage
At St Catherine's we share the desire that Christian marriage is celebrated and supported.
We be
lieve that a regular pattern of prayer and worship shared by husband and wife is a well founded resource for a stable relationship that has further benefits for other members of our families and friends.

What better starting point than a wonderful and well prepared marriage service.
If you are wanting to be married at St Catherine's please make contact with the vicar for advice on preparing for the great day and booking the date.
Banns Information
(for those being married elsewhere but who need banns being published at St Catherine's :)
~ Do get in contact with us as soon as you have a confirmed date for marriage at your church.
~ We normally publish banns on the first three Sundays in the month before your wedding.