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Expedition to Kenya

Read Chris Burhop's account of his mission to Kenya with Marion Davies


Forward by Marion Davies

Chris Burhop is a member of my old church, in Devon, and it was there that he became interested in the work of Vision & Victory Ministries. He became a supporter but – you know how it is?  You give to these things, but never know quite what they achieve.  Chris wanted to know, (he is an accountant by training!) and by April this year was keen to come and see for himself.   My illness early in the year gave him the encouragement to offer to come and help me, while getting the opportunity to see for himself.  I suspect he was hearing the call of God, because the timing was perfect.

What he has written here is entirely the observations he made, I haven’t altered any of them.    I just know I couldn’t have made the trip without him, and am so grateful to the Lord for making it possible.

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